Measurement of conductivity of liquid media up to 999 mS/cm

Conductivity Sensors, Modular Platform | Food, Beverage and Dairy

More performance, compact and flexible

ILM-4: The new generation of conductivity sensors

The new inductive conductivity sensor from Anderson-Negele is the continuation of the success story of the ILM series. The sensor has undergone systematic development to meet the demand for intelligent sensors for hygienic applications.

Measurement of conductivity of liquid media for

  • Controlling of CIP processes (e. g. phase separation detergents / water)
  • Concentration measurement (e.g. Alkali and acid concentration in remaking)
  • Monitoring of product quality & quality control

The new conductivity meter ILM-4 is compatible with the predecessor models ILM-2 and ILM-3.

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